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Foster alternatives to flights

The need for action

Melbourne-Sydney and Sydney-Brisbane are two of the busiest flight paths in the world. Help get high speed rail on track.

Goals and targets

Government commitment via budget allocation and legislation to the building of a high speed rail network along the east coast of Australia.

How we get there

By researching the issue, mapping a path to the campaign goal, lobbying policy makers and spreading the word.

The state of play
A federal government inquiry into options for financing faster rail
is receiving submission until 6 December. 
To make a submission go to: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/ITC/Financingfasterrails

Alternative modes of travel. High-speed rail and other modes of travel can be prioritised. According to flight data website OAG.com, the Sydney—Melbourne air route is the world’s second busiest, with 54,519 flights a year, and Brisbane—Sydney, with 33,765 flights a year, is the eighth busiest. These numbers could be dramatically reduced by a high-speed rail network between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane that could provide zero emission journeys. Such a network could, according to BZE in their High Speed Rail report, reduce travel emissions up Australia’s east-coast corridor by 28%, equating to a 13.5% reduction in regional travel emissions Australia-wide.

Well worth the read is Chapter 6 Fostering alternatives of Stay Grounded’s valuable report Regrowth aviation: Reducing air travel in a just way.

Can you help with this campaign?

With researching the issue?
With mapping a path to the goal?
With lobbying policy makers?
With spreading the word?
