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Stop airport expansions

The need for action

On the back of expected passenger demand growth, new airports and expansions to existing airports, including new runways, are in the works for Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth. Yet Sydney airport will be underwater by 2050.

Goals and targets

Government commitment via legislation to halt the expansion of all Australian airport related infrastructure including terminals and runways.

How we get there

By researching the issue, mapping a path to the campaign goal, lobbying policy makers and spreading the word.

The state of play
Aviation infrastructure bans — on new airports and terminals, new runways, and fleet expansion such as those proposed in the Melbourne Airport Masterplan — are necessary. In August 2018, Friends of the Earth UK mounted a legal challenge in the UK High Court against the proposed third runway at Heathrow. In October 2019 British Airways’ CEO conceded Heathrow was unlikely to get a third runway due to environmental concerns. Elsewhere in the UK, Bristol residents are campaigning against expansion of Bristol airport. In South Korea, residents on Jeju Island  are campaigning to halt plans for a second airport. 

Well worth the read is Chapter 5 Red line for airports: moratoria on new infra-structure and scaling down of airports of Stay Grounded’s valuable report Regrowth aviation: Reducing air travel in a just way.

Can you help with this campaign?

With researching the issue?
With mapping a path to the goal?
With lobbying policy makers?
With spreading the word?
