Pledge to be Flight Free
Pledging is the largest single emissions reduction you can make, and an immediate climate emergency response.
Pledging is the largest single emissions reduction you can make, and an immediate climate emergency response.
Get your climate action group, community organisation, NGO, workplace or business on board endorsing the Flight Free pledge.
Melbourne-Sydney and Sydney-Brisbane are two of the busiest flight paths in the world. Help get high speed rail on track.
Airplane fuel’s tax-free status could soon be grounded in Europe with the Commission recently calling for an end to kerosene’s exemption. Let’s do the same.
On the back of expected passenger demand growth, new airports and expansions to existing airports, including new runways, are in the works for Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth.
Personal carbon quotas that shrink each year and frequent flyer levies that increase as you take more flights are two regulatory approaches to passenger demand reduction.