Welcome to the Stay Grounded’s November newsletter!
The weeks since the last newsletter have been really exciting and busy! We published our long-awaited factsheet on the real climate impact of aviation, we were excited to see hundreds of Penguins for Future blocking the opening of the new Berlin airport, and finally we held our important network meeting, strengthening our ties and planning future activities. It’s great: Stay Grounded and our movement are getting bigger and stronger!
In this newsletter we focus on climate facts: how much air traffic really contributes to global heating. We also show you what happened in Berlin, provide links to our recent webinars and summarise what’s going on in the movement and climate politics regarding air traffic.
Enjoy reading and stay grounded!
The Stay Grounded team
STAY GROUNDED is a Europe-based, people-powered, science-based, and action-oriented network for more than 150 member initiatives around the world, including Flight Free Australia. The network fosters mutual support and exchange of experiences, and campaigns for a reduction of aviation and its negative impacts, as well as against problematic climate strategies like offsetting emissions and biofuels. Join our efforts for a just mobility system that works for all, now and in the future.
You can subscribe to their Newsletter here .
Fact Sheet: It’s about more than just CO2
Climate Facts. For a long time, the aviation industry and governments have ignored the fact that it’s impact is about more than just CO2: burning kerosene at altitude also generates contrails, induced cloudiness and NOx derivatives that, although short-lived, contribute substantially to global heating. This has led to a public perception of air travel being a relatively small problem, and to a lack of effective mitigation of the industry’s climate impact. But now we know that in fact air traffic’s climate impact is three times that of its CO2 alone. In 2018, aviation accounted for 5.9% of all human-induced climate heating. This is an immense number when we consider that this impact is down to a tiny part of the world’s population!
It’s clear: air traffic must not be allowed to return to pre-Covid-levels! Non-CO2 impacts have to be fully accounted for by the industry and institutions. And decision makers have to take all measures to mitigate CO2 and non-CO2 impacts.
Read and download the fact sheet! |
Hundreds of Penguins Block Berlin Airport Opening
Airport Action. Our German member organisation Am Boden bleiben protested on October 31st against the opening of the new airport in Berlin. The opening of the ‘BER’ was delayed for nine years, after a series of expensive construction and corruption issues. Am Boden bleiben used civil disobedience to highlight their message that there is no room for new airports in a climate crisis. Read more about the action, flick through the best photos and watch the action video (German).
New Video. The Penguins for Future are coming! In November we released the first video of our new series of penguin videos. Watch out for more videos featuring the coolest birds, who show us how to stay grounded in the future. You can follow us also on YouTube.
Webinars. Over the last few weeks we have held numerous webinars, especially during our network meeting. Most of them can already be viewed on our YouTube channel: on greenwashing of aviation, a frequent flyer levy, the real climate impact of air traffic and airport actions and campaigns.
Find summaries of all our past webinars here on our website!
Stay Grounded in the Media
A glimpse of media coverage about the Stay Grounded network and our campaigns. For more content (also in other languages) visit the media review on our website.
El Periódico: Todos al tren (si queremos salvar el planeta)
Sky News: Climate activists stage rally as Berlin’s ‘laughing stock’ airport opens after nine-year delay
Aerotime Hub: Berlin Brandenburg Airport operations week 1: hiccups & settlers
Fair Unterwegs: Es geht um mehr als nur um CO2.
Catalunya Radio: Del Flygskam a l’Stay Grounded: la nova tendència per viatjar
News: Aviation, Climate, Politics and Movements
Our highlights: what is going on in climate politics, the aviation industry, climate science and the climate justice movement.
The Guardian: 1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions – study
Friends of the Earth: Report: Do No Harm (including an airport case from Brazil)
The Guardian: Race shapes travel: backpacking as a black woman
Bloomberg Quint: Most People Don’t Plan to Resume Travel Regime Even After Virus
Euractiv: 2021 on track to be ‘European Year of Rail’
CNN: How the US election might determine the future of travel
World Politics Review: Will COVID-19 Bring an End to Overtourism?
Photos: 1: Pixabay, CC0 / Stay Grounded | 2: Leonhard Lenz / Am Boden bleiben | 3: Stay Grounded | 4: Chris Montgomery / Unsplash, CC0

For our actions, meetings, solidarity work and coordination of the network, we need funding. Support the movement to reduce air traffic – make a donation!
The Stay Grounded Network is hosted by the Austrian NGO Periskop:
c/o GLOBAL 2000
Neustiftgasse 36
1070 Vienna, Austria
If you do not want our newsletter to end up in your spam, please add our address info@stay-grounded.org to your address book.